Top Tips for Selling Snowboards Online in 2023

Online sales of snowboards have increased in the last few years as more customers prefer to shop online. According to market research, the snowsports equipment market is expected to grow from $1.5 billion in 2021 to $2.4 billion by 2028. The trick to selling snowboards online is ensuring the product is displayed in a way that speaks to its features, picking a striking photo, and adding the necessary details about size, width, and flexibility. To take advantage of this growing opportunity.

Here is a guide to help you maximize your sales with the right eCommerce platform, marketing plan, and customer service approach.

Consider the Season

The time of year is a major factor in how well you sell your snowboards. Most people tend to buy more during winter when they need cold-weather gear. So if you sell your snowboards online, consider when customers are likely looking for them.

You can take advantage of this by offering discounts or free shipping during the colder months and raising prices or charging shipping fees during warmer weather when fewer people are looking for snowboards.

persons snowboarding

Accurate Descriptions

Snowboarders are very particular about the features and specifications of their boards.

They need to know each product's size, shape, materials used in construction, and whether special snowboard boots are needed. As a result, you should provide detailed information about your product so that customers can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to purchase it.

If you are selling a used snowboard, you should include any information that may be useful for a customer, whether the board has been used or maintained over its lifetime before being listed for sale online. You can also include skiing and snowboarding safety description for new users. New users may find such information more helpful than waiting to read through the description.

Also, include any warranties or guarantees on your products to give buyers confidence in their purchases.

Include Videos In Your Product Descriptions

As the online world becomes more crowded, it's important to stand out. One of the best ways to do this is by including videos in your product descriptions. Videos help you demonstrate how to use the snowboard or how it works and provide a sense of scale that photos cannot convey.

Including a video with a product description can differentiate between a customer buying or passing on the item. Videos are one of the best ways to showcase the features and benefits of your product and give potential customers an idea of what it will look like when they receive it.

If you're unsure where to start, here are some tips for creating videos that will help sell snowboards:

  • Keep it short and sweet. Your customers are busy, don't waste their time by making them sit through a long-winded video about how great your snowboards are. Instead, keep your videos around one minute long or less. If someone doesn't have time for a full video, they can watch a quick snippet before purchasing.
  • Make sure your video has a clear call to action at the end. You should always have an offer or link in your video description so that people know what they'll get if they click through and buy something from you. For example: Click here now to purchase. Use the code at checkout for 20% off.
winter gear

Offer Promotions and Discounts

It never hurts to offer a promotion or discount. Discounts boost your sales. If you have an exclusive offer on your website, people might be more inclined to shop on your site instead of going elsewhere.

When there is a lot of competition in the market, consider offering incentives to your customers, it could be a discount or free shipping on orders over $100. It could also be a gift with a purchase or another type of promotion.

You should also learn Shopify selling tips and how other leading brands successfully sell their products online.

Use High-Quality Photos and Videos Of Your Products

These photos should be clear, well-lit, and show off all of the product's important features. It helps potential customers see what they will get before buying it. You can also use them to show off the different features that make a particular snowboard unique. This encourages people interested in buying a specific type of board or model but might be hesitant to purchase without seeing it first.

People are always looking for new ways to enjoy their time outside, so when they see a photo or video of a snowboarder enjoying their ride, they will be more inclined to buy it.

winter photos

Provide Excellent Customer Service and Support

As with any e-commerce business, providing an excellent customer service experience goes a long way toward building trust with potential customers. Responding quickly to inquiries and orders, following up with customers when there are issues with their orders, and sending out updates on delivery dates and other relevant information. 

Here are some tips to help you provide excellent customer service and support for your snowboard business:

  • Make sure your website has a user-friendly interface. It makes it easy for people who visit your website to find what they are looking for easily. You should also ensure that your website design is attractive and appealing to attract more customers.
  • Have a clear return policy so potential customers can see how they can return their purchases if there are any issues with them or if they do not want them anymore. You should clearly state the rules of using coupons and discounts on your website to avoid confusion between the buyer and the seller.

Customize Your Website's Features and Functionality

If you want to sell snowboards online in 2023, make sure your website is easy to use.

Customers don't want to go through many steps to make a purchase. They want things simple and quick.

Make sure your website has these features:

  • Easy checkout process
  • Secure payment methods 
  • Shipping options 
  • Return policy
  • Make it easy for people to contact you

More people are getting into snowboarding every year, and if you have the right product, there is a huge market out there waiting to buy it. The key is to know your target audience and the snowboard boots' duration and communicate your message in a way that resonates with them. It is always best to advertise in places where people already spend time, but you can also create content for other sites. Don't be afraid to try a little bit of everything, and try not to stress. If you put in enough hard work at the beginning, you should see some payoff at the end.

Author - Fred Felton
Fred Felton          

Content Creator / Editor

Fred Felton is a copywriter, editor and social media specialist based in Durban, South Africa. He has over 20 years of experience in creating high end content. He has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world. Currently Fred specialises in the winter outdoors space, focussing on skiing and snowboarding. He is also a keynote speaker and has presented talks and workshops in South Africa.


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