Superheroes are enigmatic and inspiring.
There is one thing that separates a fictional hero from a real human: supernatural ability (for example invisibility, telekinesis, enhanced strength, or flight).
And successful people are similar to fictional heroes: they also possess certain supernatural abilities and traits such as lifelong learning, creativity, and being masters of time management (well, just as Dr. Steven Strange, a "Marvel" superhero does!)
Do you want to mirror some of their traits in your own life to get ahead in life and business?
Then look at our list: we’ve put together a top 6 list of qualities and habits of successful people that you can adopt.
They are Masters of Their Time
There are only 24 hours in a day, so instead of wasting time, try to use the time you have each day fully. Of course, it doesn't mean you need to forget about relaxation and vacation, or never play online your favorite video or casino games. Successful entrepreneurs often have interesting hobbies and know to spend their leisure time with joy, but effectively.
Warren Buffett enjoys playing the ukulele (guitar), and Bill Gates is fond of playing card games. But successful people know how to distinguish working hours from leisure time and are always punctual. Moreover, their hobbies are not useless and are good for mindfulness and creativity. Get rid of mini-games on your phone or tablet - instead of them, you can install other applications (for example, for learning languages), and in a queue, traffic or traffic lights improve your English or process photos for your blog.
They Share Their Experience With Other People
It is important to set yourself up to learn something new every day. It is equally important to share what you have learned with others. You are constantly taking in and accumulating new information from books and the Internet. You have the opportunity to share it with those around you, and that is valuable.
They Enjoy Reading Books
One book a week will be enough if you are overloaded with other tasks - the principle "the more - the better" does not work here, it's quality, not quantity. Be able to close a tedious book on time - you do not owe it or the author.
They Play Sports
Successful people dedicate time in their often busy schedules to sports activities for a reason. Such a hobby not only allows them to keep themselves and their bodies in great shape but also brings them closer to their goals, allowing them to achieve them much faster than normal people do.
Sports, if chosen correctly, develop stamina and also help with some psychological problems.
Instead of looking for someone to vent their anger or rage on, successful people often go to the gym, taking out the negative with benefits for the body and soul.
They are Creative and Write Down Their Ideas
Ideas tend to creep up unnoticed, and as unnoticed disappear, so be prepared.
If you know how to write quickly - use a notebook or notebook (electronic notes can take a long time to load), if not - use a voice recorder.
Try not to focus on the details - you can figure them out later, but capture the essence.
They are Lifelong Learners
The world never stands still, so it's very important to change together with it. You can develop in your field, but from time to time you just need to try something new that you have never done before. You don't have to attend only paid courses - you can start with open master classes, online tutorials, or training programs.
So, as you can see becoming successful is possible, it is just about possessing certain personal traits and having some useful behavioral patterns. And it doesn't matter if you are a student, entrepreneur, housewife, or freelancer and which goals you have: all these traits help you to achieve them and live the life of your dreams.
Olivia Poglianich
Content Strategist
Olivia Poglianich is a nomadic brand strategist and copywriter in the ski and snowboard space who has worked with brands such as Visa, Disney and Grey Goose. Her writing has taken her all over the world, from a Serbian music festival to a Malaysian art and culture event. Olivia is a graduate of Cornell University and is often writing or reading about travel, hospitality, the start-up ecosystem or career coaching. Her latest interests are at the intersection of web3 and communal living, both on and offline.