When we first heard about the invention of the "fat bike" we were fascinated - such a radical new take on the mountain bike! The fat bike is a unique ride that can handle just about any rough terrain, and we were surprised that the fat bike was not as popular as we had expected.
It seems that mountain bikes enthusiasts may not be as keen to use the fat bike as we had originally imagined. If you're someone who prefers to climb mountains and enjoy the view from the top, there are a few reasons why the fat bike might not be the best choice. Keep on reading to find out!
Conclusion: If it's mountain climbing you enjoy, the fat bike might not be for you. It's not one size fits all, and there are differences between this type of bike and the mountain bike.
The Origins of Fat Bikes
Fat tire mountain bikes are the most popular kind of bike in the United States, with many bike enthusiasts opting to use them for commuting to work or college. Fat tire mountain bikes are one of the fastest growing segments in the bike market, with sales skyrocketing in recent years.
So, what are the benefits of the fat bike?

Many people are not aware of what a fat tire bike is. The main difference between a fat tire bike and others is that the fat bike has wider tires. This makes it more stable, which is appealing to people who want to improve their balance.
The bigger tires are also thought to be better for the environment because the tires create less wear and tear.
Fat bikes are heavy and sturdy bikes designed to be ridden over all rough terrains, such as rocks, dirt, and even snow. A mountain bike is generally made of metal and plastic, while some are made of aluminum. The fast toe-clip pedals allow the rider to clip in and out quickly from the mountain bike while riding on hills. The mountain bike can be used for a variety of outdoor activities including trail riding, biking on your daily commute, and playing a variety of games including downhill racing and enduro.
Despite these many advantages, a mountain bike has a few disadvantages to consider before investing in one. The main issue is the weight of the mountain bike
A Mountain bike is heavy and can make your ride feel more difficult.
But between cars, city noise, and dirt in your lawn, it is hard to find the time to enjoy the outdoors.
Still, there are people out there who love to enjoy the outdoors by biking. Biking is an excellent way to get in shape, but it also offers many benefits that aren’t often considered.
So either build your own fat bike or grab one from the store and let it help calm your mind and provide a perfect way to enjoy nature.
What Makes a Fat Bike Ideal for Riding on the Trail?
Fat tire bikes are great for riding on the trail for many reasons. A fat bike is durable, lightweight, and is equipped with the perfect tires for riding on trails. When riding on the trail, you are constantly changing directions, quick turns, and traversing rough terrain.

These are the exact qualities that fat tire bikes are designed for. The fat bike tires are able to absorb small rocks, roots, pebbles, and other obstacles you might find while riding on the trail. This also makes it easier to keep your momentum going. Fat tire bikes are equipped with the perfect fat bike tires for riding on trails, making this the ultimate vehicle to take on the trail. Fat tire bikes are easy to maintain because they are much simpler than mountain bikes. A fat bike does not have the chains, gears, derailleurs, or cables that need to be constantly checked and serviced. You simply need to make sure the fat bike tires are pumped up periodically and the fat bike brakes are functioning well.
Are Fat Bike Tires Better for Mountain Biking than a Mountain Bike?
There are many benefits of fat tire bikes over mountain bikes. First of all, fat tire bikes are very good for off-road rough terrain. Additionally, a fat bike is awesome for mountain bike trails. Fat tires have more traction on the bike trails, which are often rooted with rocks and roots.
A fat bike is awesome for short steep hills, large obstacles, and rough surfaces. They are also perfect for long road tours, carrying heavy loads, or rough trails that are littered with rocks.
The size of a fat bike's tires makes it easier to ride over obstacles in the trail. The width helps distribute the rider’s weight better, which also makes it easier to ride over obstacles.
The tires are much less likely to puncture, which is great when you are in the woods where there are plenty of sticks, roots, and rocks! Fat bikes are also much easier to maintain than a regular mountain bike.
Fat tire bikes are good for beginner bikers because the fat bikes tires are wider and offer more grip on the terrain. Many people enjoy mountain biking but have started to take notice of some of the drawbacks that come with fat bikes.
One drawback is that because fat bikes tires are wider, it is sometimes hard to balance the mountain bike when going at high speeds. This can be a problem for bikers that are new to the sport.
Another drawback is that it is hard to go over certain obstructions with fat bikes because of the bulky tires. The tires are so wide that the bike doesn't have much clearance.
Hard Tail Vs. Fat Tire Bike
Some people will talk about this as if it's a war. But the truth is, there are advantages to both styles of bike, and there are people who are either on one side or the other. The hardtail bike is known for being lighter and smoother on paved surfaces then the fat bike, although it can be uncomfortable for extended periods on rugged terrain.
The fat tire bike is better for bumpier terrain, but is heavier and a fat bike can't be used on paved surfaces. So, the options are best determined on the type of fat bike riding you're going to be doing. A commuter cyclist may find that a hardtail bike better suits their needs, while someone who rides on dirt roads may find that a fat bike is better.
Things to Consider When Buying Fat Bikes
The fat tire bike often falls into one of two categories - road bike or mountain bike. The distinctions between these two categories are important when purchasing a bike, especially when you live in an area where it rains every day.
Road bikes are designed for pavement and smooth paths. They are typically lighter and more aerodynamic than their mountain bike counterparts. This is due in large part to the lower tire profile.
Road bikes also don't have suspension. They're usually more agile than their mountain bike counterparts, which is due to their lighter weight. You can expect to spend $975-$1,500 for a road bike.

Mountain bikes are designed for off-road terrain. Mountain bikes are usually heavier than road bikes, which can make mountain bikes more difficult for riders.
Mountain bikes also have more tires, which provide thicker, more durable treads. However, mountain bikes are not designed for paved roads, which could make mountain bikes less ideal for riders who spend more time on pavement.
Fat bikes are more common nowadays due to how popular they are. However, sometimes the prices for these mountain bikes may be higher.
Although prices can vary depending on the brand, type of tire, etc., these tips will help you get the best value for your money when shopping for a mountain bike.
- Search for deals online to get the cheapest prices for mountain bikes.
- Find cheaper prices in local shops that offer discounts on old fat bike mountain bikes.
- Check the quality of the fat bike to avoid buying a low quality product.
- Find a store that has a good return policy and is willing to negotiate the selling price of the fat bike.
- Try to trade in your old bike and get a discount on a new fat bike.
The current standard for fat bike tire pressure is different from traditional mountain bike tire pressure. When mountain bikes first came out, they were fitted with balloon tires that were inflated to 4-6 psi for optimal performance.
As mountain biking became more and more popular, so did its popularity as a recreational sport. Recreational cyclists appreciated the comfort and grip of the mountain bike wheels and as such, this style of tire became the standard.
Fat bikes are different from regular mountain bikes as they have narrower tires and lower-pressure equipment. The low-pressure tires contribute to the unique feel of a fat bike, but also make it a bit difficult to determine tire pressure. Fat bike riders agree that when you ride a fat bike a good starting point for a fat bike tire is 16-psi.
Beginner Fat Bikes Tips
If you're new to fat biking (or don't even know what it is) take a look at these tips for how to get started. You may be surprised at how easy it can be!
- Snow is the biggest enemy for fat bikes
- Fat bikes can ride where a regular bike can’t, but fat bikes can’t ride where a regular mountain bike can.
- If you’re new to fat biking, practice riding fat bikes on grass and soft surfaces.
- Don’t wear good clothes when riding fat bikes.
- Take an extra tube and tire levers for your fat bikes.
- Wear warm clothes and gloves when wearing fat bikes.
- Get fat bikes lights that are visible in the dark
- Do some research into fat bikes
- Get out there and have fun!

Mountain biking is a great way to get in shape and enjoy nature. But before you head out to explore the wilderness, make sure you know the right gear to use. A fat tire bike may be the right bike for your mountain bike excursions.
There are a few things you should consider in selecting a bike for mountain biking: safety, comfort, and maneuverability.
Fat bikes, with their wide tires and elongated frames, offer great stability and safety for mountain bikers. A fat bike is also good for riding on challenging terrain such as mud, sand, and snow.
You will also find that mountain biking with a fat bike is comfortable and easy to maneuver
The disadvantages to fat bike mountain climbing are the fact that a fat bike weighs a lot more than a Mountain bike and a gear change is required for those who do not want to pedal.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are fat bikes harder to ride?
Some people think that fat bikes are harder to ride, but there are also advantages for this type of bike. If someone chooses a fat bike, they will have extra traction, especially when riding on slush, snow, or ice.
You will be able to ride more easily on terrain that is difficult for other types of bikes, so it is more versatile. Although fat bikes are heavier than other types of bikes, fat bikes are also more durable.
2. Are fat tire bikes better for heavy riders?
Most people who are overweight may find that a larger tire on a mountain bike is a more comfortable option. However, as far as their durability, fat tire bikes are more at risk. But fat bikes do provide more cushion for the ride.
3. How much slower is a fat bike?
The first thing you notice when you hop onto a fat bike is that it takes more effort to get going. That is because the bigger, fatter wheels have more resistance on the ground.
But as you move along, you quickly start to notice something else: the fat bike is surprisingly fast. In fact, many people who have ridden a fat bike will tell you it's as fast as any other bicycle.
4. What is the advantage of fat tires on a mountain bike?
There are many advantages that fat tires have over most mountain bikes. Firstly, fat tires provide a better grip on rough terrain such as sand and snow, as the fat tires are wider than the average tire.
Secondly, fat bikes provide a more stable ride, as they will not be knocked off balance as easily as a bike with thinner tires.
For the biking enthusiast, fat tires are all the rage, as they are seen as providing a more stable bike for mountain biking.
Fred Felton
Content Creator / Editor
Fred Felton is a copywriter, editor and social media specialist based in Durban, South Africa. He has over 20 years of experience in creating high end content. He has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world. Currently Fred specialises in the winter outdoors space, focussing on skiing and snowboarding. He is also a keynote speaker and has presented talks and workshops in South Africa.