Why Would a Dog Wear Dog Goggles?

There are several reasons to train your dog to wear dog goggles. Some of these reasons include protection from UV rays, flying debris and seasonal allergies. Others include a fashion statement. Dogs are not only used to seeing through goggles, but they also enjoy wearing them!

Protection from UV Rays

Dogs are vulnerable to UV rays, which are harmful to their skin and eyes. Too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer and eye problems such as pannus, a condition that occurs when UV light damages one side of the eye's cornea. If left untreated, pannus can eventually lead to blindness. The good news is that there are easy ways to protect your dog from the sun.

Wearing sun protective gear and using sun shirts will keep your dog cool and safe in the sun. You should also make sure your dog is hydrated. If you're not sure if your dog needs a hat or sun-screen, check with your vet.

Dog sun shirts create a physical barrier against the UV rays and can also protect your dog's eyes. These garments are generally made of stretchy fabric and cover the chest, back, and belly. Dog sun shirts work best if your dog is lying in the sun, so be sure to get one that covers the entire abdomen.

Protection From Flying Debris

Dog goggles are a great way to protect your dog's eyes from flying debris and wind. They are especially beneficial for working dogs, who are exposed to greater elements and irritants. Dog goggles should be comfortable for your dog to wear. Make sure you measure your dog's head and muzzle to find the right fit.

Dog goggles are not only practical, but they can also be cool looking. Your veterinarian or pet expert can help you choose the right pair for your dog. You can even work with a behaviorist to help your dog feel comfortable with the goggles. This can be a great way to bond with your pet.

If you are planning to use dog goggles on a daily basis, look for ones that have a comfortable head strap. This will keep the dog from slipping them off, and they will stay on your dog. The straps for the dog goggles will vary from dog to dog, so take your dog's measurements and find one that is comfortable.

Protection From Seasonal Allergies

Protecting yourself against seasonal allergies is important for people with sensitive skin. These allergies usually affect the spring and summer months, and may be aggravated by pollen, grass, ragweed, and mold. These allergens are found in the air and can trigger symptoms of itchy eyes, coughing, and congestion.

The best way to minimize the effects of seasonal allergies is to avoid being outdoors in the first place. Pollen can cling to your clothes and pets, which is why regular washing of clothing is important. You should also avoid rubbing your eyes, as this will only increase your symptoms. Instead, try blinking or rinsing your eyes and closing them for a few minutes.

Another way to protect yourself from seasonal allergies is to wear protective glasses when outside. Pollen is airborne and can cause an allergic reaction, so it is advisable to wear glasses when outside. Especially on warm, windy days, pollen levels are higher.


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