If you're wondering what a No-Fog breath deflector is, you've come to the right place. Read on to learn more about Dry Face Technology and the lowest fog rating in the industry. If you're in the market for a new helmet, you might be wondering what to look for. You will learn how to protect snowmobile helmet from fog.
No-Fog Breath Deflector Mask
The No-Fog Breath Deflector Mask is a breath fog prevention mask that is made from BCX3 neoprene and micro-fleece. Designed for use outdoors in cold temperatures, this product prevents breath from fogging up and restricting breathing.
The Z Strap is an integral part of the No-Fog's design. It helps hold the mask in place and helps keep it sealed against the face. This seal is the key to the mask's effectiveness. Breath is very moist, and the No-Fog keeps moisture out.
While vents and electric visors can help combat helmet fog, the real secret is to keep exhaled breath from coming into contact with the helmet's visor or lens. By preventing this, you can keep your helmet fog-free without sacrificing your vision. As with any product, make sure you carefully read and follow the instructions to ensure it works correctly.
No-Fog masks can be purchased for various purposes. Some are made for snowmobile use, and some are designed for a variety of conditions. A snowmobile No-Fog mask will protect you from fogging goggles, eyeglasses, and helmet shields. This breath deflector mask also makes it possible to see clearly, which is important in winter sports. Read more about stopping snowmobile helmet from fogging.
Dry Face Technology
The Dry Face Technology is no-fog, breath deflector mask is made of soft warm Micro-FleeceTM neoprene. It has a Velcro (r) closure behind the neck and fits neck sizes 14"-18". The fog rating is -50.
It is ergonomically designed and is ideally suited for the inside of a Motorsports helmet. It eliminates goggle and eyeglass breath fog, and is easily worn in cold weather. It uses exclusive Dry Face(tm) fabric material technology to provide breathability, dry mouth, and improved ventilation. It also features a Z-Strap for better head adjustability.
Lowest Industry Fog Rating of -40
The No-fog breath deflector is the ideal solution for cold weather riding, as it reduces fogging of helmets, goggles and eyeglasses. Its unique design fits like a glove and performs 100%. Unlike other breath deflectors on the market, the No-Fog breath deflector is completely comfortable to wear and does not cause any discomfort.
Several studies have shown that short-term exposure to glycol and smoke-based fogs can lead to respiratory problems, including headaches and dizziness. Long-term exposure to the substances can lead to more serious health conditions, including upper airway and voice irritation. It is therefore wise to avoid prolonged exposure to smoke and fog. However, this is not always possible.
The No-Fog breath deflector also has an anti-fog coating that repels water and forms a thin film, which does not interfere with vision. This coating is composed of hydrophilic substances such as certain polymers, hydrogels and colloids.