Top 5 Outdoor Snow Games for Babies and Toddlers

Create Your Own Yeti Tracks

To give your little one a unique experience during the winter months, create your own yeti tracks. Using heavy cardboard, you can create oversized yeti footprints. This will give the feeling of walking on snow a whole new level. It's also a great way to introduce your child to the wonders of snow.

Build a Snow Fort

Build a snow fort is an outdoor snow game that will entertain little babies and children for hours. You can use empty planter boxes or recycling tubs filled with snow. If the snow doesn't stick to the sides, spray water on them to make the snow fort walls extra sturdy. You can also use food colouring water to create flags or decorations for the snow fort. Your little ones will love sloshing snowballs around their new snow fort.

Kids can also play hide-and-seek in the snow. They need to find spots where they can hide and then the "seeker" has to follow their mark to find the hidden players. Other fun games for toddlers include a snow mound obstacle course. Create different size mounds in the snow and have kids try to jump across them. Another game is the snowball toss.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

Pin the tail on the donkey is a classic game for little ones. To play, you need a poster with your name and a fake donkey's tail. Then, blindfold everyone and have them turn around five times. Then, they have to try to find the donkey's tail.

There are many variations of this traditional game. You can buy pre-made versions, or create your own game at home. To create the game, you need a big poster board or enlarge a store poster. You can also print the poster and write the players' names on the tails. You can also tape the posters to the wall so that they're at eye level.

Make a Snowman

There are many great outdoor snow games for babies and toddlers, and one of the most fun is a simple snowman game. To start, compress a small snowball in between your hands and then place it on the snow. From there, you can drag it up to make the body shape of the snowman. Continue dragging the snowball up until it is the height you want.

The classic snowman game is another fun winter activity. Build a snowman in the backyard. Make sure that the snowman is taller than your child's head, and then get a hat for him to throw. Snowball fights can also be fun, if they are done in the right spirit.


While it is tempting to stay indoors during cold weather, children need to get fresh air and exercise. Outdoor games in winter are perfect for this. In fact, Scandinavian parents do not believe in indoor hibernation and insist that their kids play outdoors in winter. This is because of the health benefits of fresh air and exercise.

Freeze Tag is an enjoyable game to play any time of the year, but the game is even better in the snow. Children will love running around outside and trying not to get tagged by Mr. Freeze. It is a great game to play in the winter, and you can help them keep their bodies warm by using a bright blue mitten as Mr. Freeze's hand. Once they freeze, the other players must move their feet outside the boundaries.


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