The first step to preventing rust on your snowboard edges is to ensure that they are dry and sharp. A professional tuning service can remove the rust and re-set the edges. Then, you can wax the base to prevent further rust. Check if your board needs sharpening. If you have rusty edges, consult with your snowboard shop.
Getting Rid of Rust on Snowboard Edges
Rust can develop on the edges of your snowboard depending on the type of board and the type of conditions it experiences. If the rust is mild, it will probably self-clean as you use your board. However, if it is severe, you may want to consider additional maintenance. For instance, you should dry your board out after each session, and avoid leaving it in the car or snow.
One of the easiest ways to prevent rust on your snowboard is to keep it stored in a dry place. If you don't do this, you will risk causing further damage to your snowboard. You can also clean your snowboard with a gummy stone or a diamond stone. This is important before you store your snowboard in the offseason, as corroded edges will affect your board's performance.
Keeping Your Snowboard Dry to Prevent Rust
There are a few precautions you can take to prevent rust on your snowboard. First, after using it, you should completely dry it. If possible, avoid leaving it outside or in a hot, open place. Next, you should use a rag or sponge to rub it with dish soap. Be careful not to use an abrasive cleaner, as it can scratch the surface.
If possible, try to keep your snowboard out of direct sunlight and away from high heat. You can also store your snowboard in its bag or wrap it in plastic wrap. Lastly, it is best to store your snowboard upright, on its tail, rather than lying it flat. This is because lying it flat can flatten the rocker and camber sections of the board.
Keeping Your Snowboard Sharp to Prevent Rust
If you want to keep your snowboard in good shape, it's important to regularly sharpen the edges. Rusty edges reduce the performance of your board and can even cause corrosion to the metal edge. You can keep your snowboard sharp by using a file, gummy stone, or base grind to smooth out the edges. Sharpening your board's edges yourself can save you money and time.
A sharp edge increases your ability to control your board. A dull edge can also cause your snowboard to feel stiff and can make it difficult to turn. A sharper edge will also respond better to your actions and may even improve your safety.
Keeping Your Snowboard Clean to Prevent Rust
One of the easiest ways to prevent rust is to keep your snowboard clean. It is vital to dry off the board after every ride to avoid moisture and rust buildup. You should also coat the edges of your board with wax before storing it. This wax will protect the edges from moisture in the air. If you don't wax board that can lead to faster rusting. Lastly, you should keep your snowboard away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat to avoid rusting. Does your new snowboard needs detuning? Keep reading our articles to find out.
While you are cleaning your snowboard, take special care to clean the metal parts. You can also use an ordinary wet cloth to wipe off minor rust. Alternatively, a gummy stone can help you clean rust spots. If you don't have a gummy stone, you can use a diamond stone.