Preparing a Snowboard for Use as the Base of a Table

Whether you're building a custom table, or just buying a snowboard to use for a table, you want to make sure you've got the basics down. That means getting the shape of the board right, as well as any concave pockets, binding angles, and edges. It also means getting a hot wax, or deburring the edges. These are all things that are easy to do with the right tools, and they'll ensure you have a great base for your cofee table.

Hot Waxing

Waxing a snowboard for use as the base of a table can be a very easy process. You just need a few tools and a bit of knowledge. It's also much less expensive than getting your board waxed at a ski shop.

First, you need to make sure your work space is clean and well-ventilated. This will keep your snowboard from overheating. Also, you should avoid scratching the surface of your board. If the material is damaged, you will have a harder time cleaning it.

Next, you'll need to decide which kind of wax to use. There are two types of wax: cold and warm. Cold temperature waxes are ideal for icy conditions, while warm ones are best for warm days.


Depending on your level of expertise, deburring is an important step to make coffe table out of the snowboard and may be a task best left to the pros. There are numerous tools on the market designed specifically for the job and the cost of hiring a professional to do the dirty work can be quite steep. Fortunately, a few of the better echelon vendors are offering up discounts and coupons to attract new customers. If your budget won't allow for the purchase of a full suite of affluent techies, you can opt for a few quality handheld tools in the bargain bin.

Of course, if you have the time and a willingness to devote some elbow grease, the ensuing task is fun and rewarding. The most arduous part of the task is deciding on which tool to employ. In addition to using the correct deburring tool, you may want to consider a hand towel or dry cleaning kit to help keep the mess at bay. Keeping the nooks and crannies of the tiniest particles to a minimum will ensure you have a squeaky clean ride on which to impress your friends and family.

Sharpening Edges

Edge sharpening is an important step in keeping your snowboard in tip top condition. Over time, edges get dulled by riding and the snow abrasiveness. This can lead to nicks and scratches. Also, your ski edges can thin, resulting in shorter life. You should avoid over-sharpening your edges to prevent thinning.

Edge sharpening can be done in a number of ways. The most common way is with a file. Files are used to smooth out burrs and soften metal that has become work hardened. They can also be used to remove excess base bevel.

It is important to not over-sharpen your ski edges. Sharpening can thin the edges and expose the ski equipment to more damage. It is not necessary to do edge sharpening every time you tune up your skis. Rather, it is recommended to do it once a season or once a year.

Concave Pockets

If you are using your snowboard as a tabletop, it's important to keep it sharp. The edges are the most used part of the snowboard, and can get dull after years of use. Luckily, there are easy steps you can take to ensure your edges are pristine. After cleaning and sanding, you can apply a layer of wax to help protect them from wear.

A single or double cut file is a good tool for removing small edges. You can also use a coarse diamond stone or a panzer file. Use the tail of the file to point towards you as you run it along the edge of the board. Be sure to remove only the concave section of the edge.


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