How Can I Protect My Dogs' Eyes?

If you have a dog, you know the importance of protecting your pet's eyes. The sun can be a very dangerous thing for your pets, and you need to be sure that you protect their vision as much as possible. You also need to consider things such as dust, wind glare, and self-trauma.

Sun Exposure

Dogs enjoy sunny days and enjoy the fresh air, but they are also susceptible to sun damage. Getting a dog's eyes burned can be painful. There are several ways to protect your pet's eyes. Some of the options include sunglasses, eye goggles, and protective clothing.

Some breeds of dog are more susceptible to sunburn than others. Light-colored eyes are more likely to get damaged by the sun.

You should always use a dog-safe sunglasses on your pet. Look for a product that is water-resistant, fragrance-free, and contains tocopheryl, a vitamin that promotes healing.

To prevent your dog's eyes from getting sunburned, try to keep him out of the hot, sunny hours. During this time, the sun is stronger and the UV index higher.

Wind Glare

Keeping your dog cool in the heat is one thing, ensuring their eyes stay hydrated is another. Fortunately, many brands offer protective eyewear to boot. Having said that, protecting your pet from the sun isn't for the faint of heart. This is where the fancy pants may come in handy, especially when your pooch is in the mood for a romp around the block. Not only will the right equipment keep your pup cool, it'll also keep the cold out of their paws. As a dog owner, you know your dog better than anyone else. And that means you know what they are eating.


In the dog friendly realm, a little bit of eye protection is a great idea. It's all about keeping your pooch on a path to health. Some snazzy new eyewear may be the best way to go. One of my favourite new eyewear innovations is the micro-shield, which is an ultra-fine microfiber that can be rinsed with water to remove dust, germs and allergens. The micro-shield can also be used to wipe your dog's eyes after a bath. Keeping your pooch's eyes clean is important, especially if you have allergies. If you're not the DIY kind, you can also consult your vet on the matter.


A dog cataract is a condition in which the lens of the eye clouds, preventing light from reaching the retina. Although most of these conditions are not painful, they can cause vision loss. There are several steps you can take to prevent your pet from developing cataracts.

The first step is to get a pet's eyes checked by a veterinarian. Your veterinarian will be able to identify any abnormalities and recommend treatment if necessary.

If you notice your pet's eyes looking cloudy, icy, gray, or white, he or she may have a cataract. This can occur in many different breeds of dogs.

In addition to genetics, cataracts can also develop as a result of injury or inflammation of the eye. If left untreated, your dog can become permanently blind. The good news is that you can often slow the progression of cataracts with proper diet, prevention, and other measures.


There are many ways to protect your dog's eyes from self-trauma. Among the more practical solutions is to prevent your dog from self-inflicting an injury. Using a high quality eye shield, or even a simple piece of cloth to cover the eyes will go a long way towards ensuring your pup's safety. In some cases, the only way to prevent a smoldering tear is to treat the wound with a topical antibiotic.

The best way to ensure your dog's eyes stay safe is to enlist the aid of an experienced veterinary professional. Your vet will be able to assess the magnitude of your pet's ocular injury and recommend a course of action. They will likely give you some guidelines to follow and some post-operative dos and dont's.

Rex Specs

If you're looking for dog eyewear that's designed specifically for your pup, you may want to check out Rex Specs. These goggles provide your pooch with the ultimate protection from the sun, snow, wind, and other environmental hazards.

Rex Specs was created by outdoor enthusiast Jesse and his brother Aiden. After their dogs developed an autoimmune condition that caused them to be sensitive to the UV rays of the sun, the two decided to create an eye pro that would give their pets the protection they needed.

The dog goggles offer a comfortable fit and are made to stay on the head of the dog. They feature a breathable mesh on the sides and a secure strap system. Rex Specs also feature a spherical lens to prevent damage to your dog's eyes.


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